Home Calendar Opening of Dallas and Proctor Landing Parks

Opening of Dallas and Proctor Landing Parks

The opening of Dallas Landing Park & Proctor Landing Park takes place on April 13, 2024. Dallas Landing is an 82 acre park located just off Main Street on Allatoona Drive. Proctor Landing Park is located on Proctor Landing Drive off Highway 92. The two parks are located on the shores of Lake Allatoona and are open from mid-April to mid-September each year.  During the season, the parks are open daily from 8 am until 9 pm, with a parking fee of $10 for non-residents.

Mid-April through Mid-September

8 am to 9 pm

Free for Acworth residents
$10 for non-residents, credit card only


Dallas Landing Park
5120 Allatoona Dr
Acworth, GA 30101

Proctor Landing Park
5260 Proctor Landing Rd
Acworth, GA 30101


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